14th August

Piran – Working For Good

You will earn the trust and respect of others if you work for good; if you work for evil, you are making a mistake. Proverbs 14: 22

Buried beneath the sands near Perran-Zabulo in Cornwall lies the remains of a prayer cell built by Piran, a monk who landed here in the fifth century. A tall Celtic cross now stands beside it. Although little else is now known about Piran, his life has inspired many working people throughout the centuries in the West Country of Britain and in Britanny. The Cornish tin miners made him their patron and celebrated his festival on March 5 with great fervour.

This development can encourage us to be aware, in our everyday work, of the example of Christians who treated their work as prayer in action; also, to be aware of the presence of heavenly persons, inspiring us to link our work with the relationships we have with others on earth and in heaven.

I will build the hearth
As Mary would build it.

Who are they on the lawn outside?
Michael the sun-radiant of my trust.
Who are they on the middle of the floor?
John and Peter and Paul.
Who are they on the front of my bed?
Sun-bright Mary and her Son.

I am smooring the fire as the Son of Mary would smoor.
(i.e.damp the overnight fire with ashes)
Carmina Gadelica

I see to the fridge in the presence of the angel of the loveliest delights
I see to the washer in the presence of Mary of the pure-white demeanour
I see to the garage in the presence of Joseph of the fine workmanship
I see to the office in the presence of the Creator of order
I see to the people I shall meet in the presence of the all-friendly Christ
I see to the things that will batter my mind
in the presence of the Spirit who brings calm