22nd November

God’s Glory In Us

All of us reflect the glory of the Lord; and that same glory, coming from the Lord who is the Spirit, transforms us into his very likeness, in an ever greater degree of glory. 2 Corinthians 3: 18

The glory of God is seen in a human life lived to the full

Plunge yourself into humility and you will see the glory of God
St. Isaac of Syria

He is a bird round which a trap is closed
A leaking ship unfit for a wild sea
An empty vessel and a withered tree –
Who lays aside God’s wishes unimposed.
He is the sun’s bright rays, pure gold and fine,
A silver chalice overfilled with wine
Holy and happy, beautiful in love –
Who does the will of God in heaven above.
Ancient Irish Lyric Translated by Molloy Carson

People are my scenery
A London landlady

Holy Spirit, Enlivener:
Breathe on us, fill us with life anew.
In your new creation, already upon us, already breaking through,
groaning and travailing,
but already breaking through,
breathe on us.
Till that day when night and autumn vanish:
and lambs grown sheep are no more slaughtered:
and even the thorn shall fade and the whole earth shall cry Glory at the marriage feast of the Lamb.
In this new creation, already upon us,
fill us with life anew.
George MacLeod