27th December

Mother And Child

The star went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the young child was. They went into the house, and when they saw the child with his mother Mary, they knelt down and worshipped him. Matthew 2: 10, 11

Day of John the Loved – The Apostle John

The Virgin was beheld approaching
Christ so young on her breast
Angels bowing lowly before them
And the King of life was saying, ‘Tis meet.

The Virgin of locks most glorious
The Jesus more gleaming-white than snow
Seraphs melodious singing their praise
And the King of life was saying, ‘Tis meet.

O Mary Mother of wondrous power
Grant us the succour of thy strength
Bless the provision, bless the board,
Bless the ear, the corn, the food.

The Virgin of mien most glorious
The Jesus more gleaming-white than snow
She like the moon in the hills arising
He like the sun on the mountain-crests.
Carmina Gadelica

Cheers, the Gift; clap, the Gift
Cheers, the Gift on the living.
Son of the dawn, Son of the clouds
Son of the planet, Son of the star
Son of the flame, Son of the light
Son of the spheres, Son of the globe
Son of the elements, Son of the heavens
Son of the moon, Son of the sun
Son of Mary of the God-mind
And the Son of God first of all news.
Cheers, the Gift; clap, the Gift
Cheers, the Gift on the living.
Carmina Gadelica