There is more happiness in giving than in receiving. Acts 20: 35
Aidan neither sought nor cared for this world’s possessions, and he loved to give away to poor people whom he met all the gifts he received from kings and rich men of the world.
There are three causes for the inordinate love of money – desire for pleasure, vainglory and lack of trust. And the last is stronger than the other two.
Maximus the Confessor c. 580-662
Never be greedy, always be generous, if not in money, then in spirit.
Columba tells us, that
the generous shall never go to hell.
But those who steal and those who swear
Shall lose their right to God.
Carmina Gadelica
God’s work done in God’s way will not lack supplies
Hudson Taylor
I would prepare a feast and be host to the great High King,
with all the company of heaven.
The sustenance of pure love be in my house,
the roots of repentance in my house.
Baskets of love be mine to give,
with cups of mercy for all the company.
Sweet Jesus, be there with us, with all the company of heaven.
May cheerfulness abound in the feast,
the feast of the great High King,
my host for all eternity.
Traditional – sometimes attributed to Brigid