9th June

They That Seek The Lord

They that seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. Psalm 134: 10

Delightful it is to stand on the peak of a rock, in the bosom of the isle, gazing on the face of the sea.
I hear the heaving waves chanting a tune to God in heaven; I see their glittering surf.
I see the golden beaches, their sands sparkling; I hear the joyous shrieks of the swooping gulls.
I hear the waves breaking, crashing on rocks, like thunder in heaven. I see the mighty whales.
I watch the ebb and flow of the ocean tide; it holds my secret, my mournful flight from Eire.
Contrition fills my heart as I hear the sea; it chants my sins, sins too numerous to confess.
Let me bless almighty God, whose power extends over sea and land, whose angels watch over all.
Let me study sacred books to calm my soul; I pray for peace, kneeling at heaven’s gates.
Let me do my daily work, gathering seaweed, catching fish, giving food to the poor.
Let me say my daily prayers, sometimes chanting, sometimes quiet, always thanking God.
Delightful it is to live on a peaceful isle, in a quiet cell, serving the King of kings.
Attributed to Columba

Thank you for sleep
Thank you for heating
Thank you for your rest in my soul
Thank you for your feel within me.