From an ignorant guy who loves Australia, God and you lot.

Greetings from the Holy Island of Lindisfarne.

This time last year I was with you. You are much in my thoughts. I have been working through notes with the possibility of an Australian version of ‘Church of the Isles’ in collaboration with Brent Lyons-Lee. What follows are a few reflections and prayers.


The masculine spirit that is natural to Australia is sunny disposition, straight talking and sportive strength. A religious spirit that is not natural to Australia is the second hand, second rate, head-without-heart, rigid mentality that disconnects the part from the whole. Its imported religion reflects the 19th-20th century settlers who hover round the edge of Australia, fearing to embrace heartland roots and vaster destiny.


  • Early European explorers searched for  ‘terra australis incognito’ (the unknown south land) believing that there would be great riches on this mysterious continent. As far as we know, the first explorer to discover and name this land was the Spanish sailor Pedro Fernandez de Quiros. On the Day of Pentecost, 14 May 1606 he wrote: “Let the heavens, the earth and waters witness that in the name of Jesus Christ I hoist this emblem of the holy cross on this part of the south which from now on shall be called the southern land of the Holy Spirit.”  Was this prophetic? Did this reflect something of the eternal designs of God that transcended the cultural confines of the man who spoke it?
  • The Lord spoke to Moses face to face as one speaks to a friend . and said “My presence will go with you.” In this way Moses´ people became distinct. He sent the young Joshua to be with him. Is God is calling for Australian Joshuas today?
    Exodus 33:11
  • Moses people had to be stripped of inessentials and impediments. Those who hardened their hearts never made it. Is God calling Australians to strip away imported, unnecessary, ego-based things?
  • Moses met God through creation (first a bush, then clouds by day and by night). Is God is calling Australians to become fully present to Him in Australia?
  • God took Moses up into the darkness of a mountain. Is God is calling Australians to embrace their Shadow?
  • “Is Australia my dear child? The child I delight in? I am deeply moved for him. I will surely have mercy on him?”
    Jeremiah 31:20
  • “Make guideposts. Consider the road by which you travelled. How long will you waver? Return to your Source.”
    Jeremiah 31:21