Igniting the Flame will begin in Australia, February 2025. Applicants can apply after September, 2024 and before 20th January 2025.
A one year course defining a ‘Way of Life’ following Community of Aidan and Hilda guidelines. This distance learning course will be of interest if you are looking for a carefully structured and supportive way to make sense of your life.
The course aims to help you:
- understand the benefits of a well thought-out personal Way of Life
- reassess your present Way of Life
- develop the confidence to go on exploring and refining your Christian faith
- introduce you to Celtic spirituality
- Distance learning
- 10 units each of 2/3 weeks, plus time to put into practice decisions made
- Each unit includes set readings and suggestions for further reading
- 4 short pieces of work to hand in, each preceded by a preparation week
- A final additional piece of work: your completed Way of Life
- Assignments do not have to be submitted as written work
- You keep a journal
- Unit 1 Introduction to the course
- Unit 2 A rhythm of prayer, work and recreation
- Unit 3 Life-long learning
- Unit 4 Spiritual journey
- Unit 5 Prayer – Openness to God
- Unit 6 Simple lifestyle
- Unit 7 Creation
- Unit 8 Healing fragmented people and communities
- Unit 9 Building unity
- Unit 10 Mission/justice
- A tutor, your existing Soul Friend or a mentor provided by the community
- Other students, via email/etc as negotiated
- You will receive a pdf of the illustrated course books and should request a copy of the course reader New Celtic Monasticism For Everyday People – A Pilgrim Way, by Ray Simpson if you do not already have one
For further inquiries, including costs, please contact Bruce Challoner – challoner@bigpond.com